Hey guys and gals! Arlo the pug here! Moms caught me updating the blog...I'm workin really hard tryin to make it into a sweet site so I can get lotsa new blog friends!
Hi Arlo! I'm dw and I found your blog through Pearl's. I don't have a little puggie yet, though I'm looking for a nice young rescue girl if I can find one. I've been following a lot of puggie blogs and trying to learns all about puggies so I can be a good puggie mom one day!
I think you're doing a great job of updating the blog there! Just watch out for those repetative keystroke problems!!
Hi Arlo! We saw you on Pearl's blog and wanted to come say HI!
Mom is all squealy and yammering about how CUUUTE you are! I agree, but I am able to maintain my composure a LOT better than she does!
We can't wait to read more about you as you grow up!
Pug Love, Salinger
Pee S. Are you the same Arlo that tried to "friend" me on Dogster? Mom isn't all "techy" so she couldn't figure out how to get back on that site to accept you....so don't think we're ignoring you!
Hi Arlo! I'm dw and I found your blog through Pearl's. I don't have a little puggie yet, though I'm looking for a nice young rescue girl if I can find one. I've been following a lot of puggie blogs and trying to learns all about puggies so I can be a good puggie mom one day!
I think you're doing a great job of updating the blog there! Just watch out for those repetative keystroke problems!!
Hi Arlo!
We saw you on Pearl's blog and wanted to come say HI!
Mom is all squealy and yammering about how CUUUTE you are! I agree, but I am able to maintain my composure a LOT better than she does!
We can't wait to read more about you as you grow up!
Pug Love,
Pee S. Are you the same Arlo that tried to "friend" me on Dogster? Mom isn't all "techy" so she couldn't figure out how to get back on that site to accept you....so don't think we're ignoring you!
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