Monday, October 5, 2009

First day jitters!!

Hi everybody! Today was my first day of doggy day care! It was soo much fun! When we got there, Moms was nervous, I could tell, so I showed her how brave and tough I was and I barked at a fire hydrant. But then, I could hear and smell the other dogs and I was ready to go have fun! I made new friends and I smelled new smells and I ran and ran and ran! Then, when Moms came to pick me up, I slept the rest of the afternoon. Hey..I may be an energetic puppy, but I'm still a PUG puppy and we pugs love our sleep.


Salinger The Pug said...

Good job Arlo!!! It's nice to hear that you made some new friends today!

Hope you keep having fun at Doggy Daycare!


Mia said...

So glad you had fun at day care!! I'm sure you'll keep making lots mroe friends and having great fun!!


dw said...

Wow, glad you had a good time at doggie day care! And you got a good report back, too!! :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Good job Arlo
I bet you had such a good time!