Yesterday, we went on an adventure! We started out heading to the Azalea festival in Muskogee, but there just weren't that many flowers blooming and the sun was shining and the weather was beautiful, so after we took this picture, we got back in the car and headed to the Lake!
I am a water Dog! I love to swim! I was hot so I went swimming and tried to stand on this log, but it was too tall.

I don't know where this log came from, but it sure was big.
After all that swimming and car riding, I sure was tuckered out. I slept the whole way home.
Well, That was my adventure! I hope to have a lot more adventures coming up soon to share with you guys. Until Next time! Love, Arlo.
Hi Arlo
It is sooo good to see you and hear your woofing!
I cannot believe you swims? And your not afraids? I would panic for sure.
That water looks so deep, but look at you go! You are a beautiful swimmer!
nitey nite
Arlo, what a fantastic swimmer you are! And yes, that log sure was big! It's so nice to see you on the bloggy again, with pictures and a story! Your secretary had been quite lax (I'm sure she was just busy and not ignoring you) but maybe now that spring is here she'll document other adventures, even if it's just playing in the grass!! :)
Arlo, what a beautiful day to be outside for a nice walk. We love how much of a good swimmer you are. Thanks for sharing the great photos. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
World of Animals
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