Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aaaahhh.  I am breathing a big sigh of relief for my moms.  She says that finals are over and now she can play with me more.  We've already had lots more fun.  She put a tree in the living room.  A tree! can you believe it? And then she hung a bunch of balls on it and lit it up with lights!  I wanted to eat it, but she put it up too high.  And then she put a bunch of shiny presents under it! She says that there are two under there for me! Two!  and she gave me a new toy tonight and told me it was an early christmas present since I've been so good during finals. What is this Christmas stuff?  This is my first one and I really like it! 


dw said...

Arlo, I'm glad your mom's done with finals and can blog more now so we can all keep up with your cuteness! You're gonna like this Christmas! It comes with special food, prezzies, people visiting, and generally a lot of love all around! I think you're a very lucky puggie to have two prezzies under the tree!! :)

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Yeah...more Mom time for Arlo!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Wow Arlo
Two prezzies! How cool is that!
Now be sure not to peek!
Its very important to "follow the rules" and then ,it is called

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you