Monday, July 19, 2010

We missed our blogaversary!

July 15 was our 1 year blogaversary!  It came and went and we've been so busy around here we just plain missed it!  It has been quite a year. We've made so many awesome friends, and we lost a few, as well. On a lighter note, we'd like to share how we started blogging.  If you type in "pug" in any search engine, Urban Pug is bound to pop-up. Mom started reading their blog religiously and one day she saw a link that saidcheck out these blogs and guess what! Harry Pugalicious's blog was there! So we started reading Harry's blog, and then all of his friend's blogs...and then I came to live with mom and she started my blog and then, lo and behold...our little world has expanded to include a whole lot of awesome pug (and other) friends!  We truly are thankful that you guys are in our lives.  And we read your blogs and smile at the good parts, laugh at the funny parts, and cry at the sad parts. You've given us support and invaluable advice, and I hope that we have given you all support when you needed it, too. Most of all, thanks for being our friends. We love each and every one of you!

Lots of love,
Arlo & Penni


Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Happy belated bloggoversay! We just had our 3rd one and this is the first time Mom remembered it. So don't feel bad you missed yours. Maybe it has to due with the fat mom is unemployeed right now hehehe! We are so glad we met you and luv seeing your fun adventures Arlo!!

Sequoia and Tuni

dw said...

Yay for bloggoversaries!!!!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Don't feel bad, mom missed our blogoversary too :)

Happy Blogoversary!!!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Hank said...

Happy Bloggoversary!

What a great post!

Hugs -

Sarah, Hank and Molly

Pee S: If not for you, Hank wouldn't have his PBR collar! :)

the teacher's pets said...

Trust me, I know how pugs can grow on people and you are so lucky to have a mom who treats you like a a pawsome part of the family!
I have a pet sitting business and 2 of the best pugs in the world stole my heart 3 years ago and I am determined to add a female black pug to the family one day soon!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh Arlo!!
Happy Bloggoversary to yous!!!!

We just loves you guys!!!!

We's so glad to be part of yous bloggy family's!!

Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man

Mia said...

Happy Blogoversay Arlo!! We are so glad that you are a part of our family!!! And don't worry about missing your blogoversay, we missed ours too!!



Kelly said...

Hi Arlo! I loved reading your post today. Isn't blogging the best?!

Happy bloggaversary, sweet boy!!!!!


Dana Orsborn said...

Happy Belated Blogoversary!

-Dana & Daisy

Archie and Melissa said...

hi arlo and penni!

happy happy blogoversary!

we are happy to have found you this year too!

m & e

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I came to say I miss you, and then I noitced my comment was gone from a month ago. So I left another and it disappeared too;
So now I will try again and say I miss you and happy blogversay